Thursday, May 04, 2006


I know some of you know about it already, but just to make sure the word is out there, check out

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It's Alive!!!

Thanks for the post Beth.

Sorry you guys haven't heard about Mammoth in a while. I'm trying to do a write up and informational letter but can't seem to make it witty enough to mail it out.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Although Rick's post was certainly worthy of being the first thing you read on this site for the last seven months, and although I don't have anything nearly as entertaining to share, I still thought I'd write something.

So, here I am, making my debut on The Callister Family Spot, and I can already hear the boos and feel the mental tomatoes being thrown by the readers.

With that in mind I think I'll close, but not without saying that I am still hoping this kind of takes off. I know it's been 14 months since the birth of this site and there have only been a handful of posts, but I think Jared was on to a good thing when he started this. Thanks, Jared.